Trained hands doing good work


Mantra was founded in 2003. Our goal, then as now, is to give meaning to the work of our clients, our suppliers, and our team. We seek to add value with the work we do as we grow and learn. To make beautiful garments that bring joy to end users, we focus on capturing our enthusiasm in the making! We hope you will enjoy working with us.

76 employees
1,250 square meters of factory floorspace
20,000 garments produced monthly
5,000,000 euros of annual turnover


Corina Vatamanu
Product Director
Apostol Florea
Patterns Manager
Tom Murray
Sales Director
Claudia Jitaru
Commercial Manager
Cornel Lefter
Warehouses Manager
Florentina Micu
Sourcing Manager
Dan Isac
Fabric Buyer
Ana Maria Tcaci
Trims Buyer